When should I bring my child to see a doctor?
Trust your gut instinct. If it is telling you that something is not right we recommend to always listen to it. It is always better the be safe than sorry.
What should I look for in the appearance of my child?
Look at their level of muscle tone; an unwell child will be floppy and look weak. They may also not look very alert. They might be drowsy and lacking energy resulting in lack of interest in playing or engaging.
If a baby is unable to be consoled, is irritable and producing a weak cry, it is an indication that they are unwell.
What should I look for in the breathing of my child?
Some signs that we would be concerned about are abnormal sounds and wheezing. Also look to see if the child is working hard with their breathing, breathing quickly, their nostrils flaring and check if the skin on the child is being sucked in as they breathe.
What other symptoms should I be concerned about?
Look at the colour of the child, if they are pale that is not a good sign. If they have been vomiting check for dehydration by checking if they are dry around the mouth or tongue.
In addition to general health assessments when your child is ill, our doctors and nurses also offer:
- Childhood immunisations available for free on the National Immunisation Program
- Child health assessments
Bulk billing is available to all children 16 years and under.
Children's Health Chat
Dr Jeffrey Chai is one of our skilled doctors at TMC. In this video, he explains the importance of children's immunisations.