Too Much Cheer!

As Christmas approaches, celebrations and festivities increase. We spend time choosing presents for our loved ones and spending time with friends and family.  

However, Christmas is not always about fun, cheer, joy and merry. For some people it can be a difficult and troubled time.

Each year, the Christmas and New Year period is difficult due to financial issues, family conflict, loneliness as well as depression and anxiety. However, there are ways to deal with these stressors and put a spring back in your Christmas step!

If your finances are causing you stress, then now is the time to think about your expectations of the Christmas period, and those of your family and friends. Gifts can be given in many different forms, and instead of purchasing something for someone, why not offer them your time. Perhaps this is a catchup at your house in the New Year, offering to tidy up after your Christmas or New Year celebrations or offering to spend time babysitting.

Alcohol consumption can also be another stressor for people over the festive season. Drinking too much can have financial, physical and mental implications for you. Reduce your drinking this festive season to help ensure you have a merry time.

From finances to drinking, Christmas can be a time that can also be lonely and can cause depression and anxiety for people. So many parties, social gatherings (where permitted) and presents to buy. It may seem just as easy to hide away from it all. But this is not ideal for you, or your loved ones. So instead, if you become overwhelmed by everything that is happening make sure you speak to someone, be it a friend or family member, or if necessary, a professional.

If you are struggling over the Christmas and New Year period, help is available. You can contact Beyond Blue on <link external-link-new-window beyond>1300 224 636.