Flu Vaccines are Now Available

Now is the time to make sure you have organized your annual flu vaccination.

Each year people are affected by the influenza virus and in some instances, it can be very serious.  There are several vaccinations available to the community, depending on your age and any chronic conditions you may have.

Toowoomba Medical Centre have Government funded flu vaccines available for:

  • children aged over 6 months and less than 5 years
  • patients with chronic conditions (please discuss with your doctor to confirm your eligibility)
  • patients over 65 years
  • all pregnant women
  • all ATSI patients

This year, the practice also has available to purchase flu vaccines (no script required) at a cost of $20 each.  These can be administered on the day of your consultation (which is bulk billed for eligible patients).

To find out more about any of our flu vaccines or to arrange an appointment, please call the practice on <link https: www-010.clevvi.com.au typo3 http: external-link-new-window internal link in current>(07) 4635 6111.

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