June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month – Bowel Cancer Australia’s signature event to raise awareness of Australia’s second deadliest cancer and funds which are dedicated to prevention, early diagnosis, research and quality care and treatment for patients.
Red Apple Day (Wednesday, 16 June 2021) is Bowel Cancer Australia’s Annual Giving Day, when Australians are encouraged to support the vital work of the charity.
Bowel cancer claims the lives of 103 Australians every week but it’s one of the most treatable types of cancer if found early. Symptoms can include: a recent, persistent change in bowel habit, a change in shape or appearance of faeces, blood or rectal bleeding, frequent gas pain and cramps, unexplained anaemia, a feeling that the bowel has not emptied completely after going to the toilet, pain or a lump in the anus or rectum, abdominal pain or swelling.
If you have any concerns, please visit one of our doctors and also be sure to participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. You will be invited to screen when you turn 50, and every 2 years until you turn 74.
Source: bowelcanceraustralia.org
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