There are many benefits to understanding how your health changes as you get older. But, are you worried when you're only in your mid-to-late 40’s? Now is the time that chronic conditions can begin and if you are aged between 45 and 49 years, you are eligible for a once only Medicare subsidised Health Assessment.
The appointment with your doctor and practice nurse will examine your lifestyle, including diet, exercise, family history, medications, immunisations and will also involve a Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment and any preventative screening tests. Your time with the practice nurse will include an ECG. These assessments are designed to help prevent or identify any chronic diseases.
Your doctor will discuss the results of your examinations with the nurse and preventative measures moving forward. If you are found to have a chronic disease, you will be invited to undertake a GP Management Plan to better control your long term condition.
If you are interested in participating in the 45-49-year-old Health Assessment, please call the practice on <link external-link-new-window internal link in current>(07) 4635 6111 to organize an appointment.
<link internal link in current>Book An Appointment